SL Voice (Vivox) running under Mint 21 natively NOT under WINE for Firestorm 64 bit Viewer

Run the following command to install the 32 bit libraries for Mint 21 to be able to use Vivox correctly: sudo apt install gstreamer1.0-pulseaudio:i386 libidn12:i386 libuuid1:i386 libstdc++6:i386 Navigate to the directory that contains libidn12:i386 cd /lib/i386-linux-gnu Verify you have libidn12 installed by typing ls -l libidn12* Create a symbolic link IN /lib/i386-linux-gnu: ln -s… Continue reading SL Voice (Vivox) running under Mint 21 natively NOT under WINE for Firestorm 64 bit Viewer

Mint 21

It’s out, it works very nicely. I recommend it! Enjoy…..