REACT raids Gizmodo editor’s residence

Jason Chen’s house was raided with a search warrant by REACT Officers today.  This was in relation to the Apple iPhone prototype. I think this may create some serious issues for Apple if they pursue criminal charges in this matter. Good time to sell Apple stock today or early tomorrow.  A twenty-one point short gain… Continue reading REACT raids Gizmodo editor’s residence

Two days after — iPhone leak still getting a lot of attention. Apple stock up to 259

There are a wide range of opinions related to whether Apple leaked the iPhone prototype intentionally.  Gurulog believes they did.   Gizmodo believes they did not.  Regardless of which side you believe, there are certain facts that have come to pass as a result. 1) Apple has gotten a lot of free press from the incident.… Continue reading Two days after — iPhone leak still getting a lot of attention. Apple stock up to 259