Two days after — iPhone leak still getting a lot of attention. Apple stock up to 259

There are a wide range of opinions related to whether Apple leaked the iPhone prototype intentionally.  Gurulog believes they did.   Gizmodo believes they did not.  Regardless of which side you believe, there are certain facts that have come to pass as a result. 1) Apple has gotten a lot of free press from the incident.… Continue reading Two days after — iPhone leak still getting a lot of attention. Apple stock up to 259

The Ipad releases

Apple has released the Ipad and they are now readily available for order at the Apple stores. In a recent article on yahoo a $499 Ipad turned into a $1170 purchase after selecting a couple upgrades and buying accessories. Is $1170 less than your average well appointed PC based Laptop computer? Not in my world.… Continue reading The Ipad releases

Browser choices launch via Windows in the European Union

As part of the settlement Microsoft lost in the European Union, Microsoft is now required to provide a Windows update that offers computer users in the European Union choices for web browsers.   I encountered the site early this morning while browsing the web and found it to be utterly amusing.   If you would like to… Continue reading Browser choices launch via Windows in the European Union

Rawhide nears Alpha

I have recently been putting the Fedora rawhide software through it’s paces. This is the software that will become Fedora 13 in June. At this point it is nearly feature complete. While it runs very smoothly on most platforms, the latest update of the glib2 package creates real problems with Nvidia chipset based motherboards. The… Continue reading Rawhide nears Alpha

Fedora 12 officially released. Not ready for prime time.

Fedora 12 officially released a few days ago. Today I downloaded the latest bits and installed it. Then I went through the typical process of installing the programs I use and updating all the packages. If you want to use the Nvidia or Fusion Nvidia drivers there are some new steps involved with installing the… Continue reading Fedora 12 officially released. Not ready for prime time.